Yin Yoga Sequence for Courage

✨Yin Yoga for Courage✨

Water Element
Since I’ve made my @yinyogamuse Instagram account private, I wanted to share my past Instagram post on a sequence for courage.

Sometimes, you need the courage to set healthy boundaries. This was my case, thus I had to make my account private.

As a healer and empath, I kept dismissing my feelings to make others happy. I knew that this pattern was becoming energy draining, my vibrancy was being pulled. I became a puppet. I was being projected on.

I’ve used the power of reconnecting to my authentic Self and courage to fight for my heart. For my spirit. It’s still an ongoing journey. Yin Yoga has always helped me stay connected.

Please enjoy this practice. It might not be for the same reasons, but a nice quiet practice for you when you need time to luxuriate in yin yoga poses. Have pillows, blankets, blocks and strap. Take your time. Find a comfortable edge, stay in for three minutes and pause in between. Be sure to stay in shavasana for a while.

You may want to use this playlist to accompany your practice: Yinyogamuse: Unwanted Visitors

  1. Supine Deer Pose Both Sides
  2. Wide Knee Child’s Pose
  3. Sphinx with Tricep Emphasis
  4. Dragon Low (Option with bolster and blocks)
  5. Lounging Dragon
  6. Hamstring Stretch
    Repeat 4-6 on the second side
  7. Supine Cat Tail Pose
  8. Supported Bridge
  9. Legs up
  10. Shavasana
Supine Deer Pose
Wide Knee Child’s Pose
Sphinx with Triceps Emphasis
Low Flying Dragon
Lounging Dragon (Alternative is Eye of the Needle Twist)
Supine Hamstring Supta Padangustasana
Supine Cat Pulling It’s Tail
Supported Bridge
Legs Up
From the book Welcome Home
My favorite author, Najwa Zebian

You are more than welcomed to follow me on Instagram at yinyogamuse if I know your intentions are innocent with my confirmed accepted request. (I do not tolerate any gossiping, putting down others or criticizing.)

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